29 April 2009

Small Lizard in my Laundry Room

Obviously, it's well past laundry day. (hey, i see a shoe in there!) Ok, ok, I got off the computer for a second to throw a load in and I made a new friend in the garage:
Isn't he cute? The picture makes him look kind of big, but he's just a little guy. I think he's a gecko, right? I used to know this kind of stuff. But what is that in the corner? Eww. Keep in mind that this is the underside of the shelf above the washer and dryer, and y'all know the cleanliness level of the inside of the house...
Look! The sushi cat is almost done. She just needs arms and legs (well, just legs I guess). That's what the different colored lines are for; I have to take that yarn out and knit the legs in those spots. You're not showing it, but I know you're a little impressed. Mostly that I said I was going to make something and I did, and not six months later either. Go Jen!
Yesterday I bought yarn for the owl sweater. Yes, I do have two or three giant tubs of yarn, but when you make an actual garment you have to have enough of the same kind. Silly. 
I also bought some yarn to make these socks, which you have to admit are cool. Don't worry, I got cheap KnitPicks yarn, not fancy handspun like it says. And instead of a tasteful blue/purple, mine (should they ever exist) will be a gaudy orange/green/red/yellow. 
Wow, that was a lot about yarn. You're probably wondering what I had for breakfast, since I haven't mentioned breakfast in days. Today I had an embarrassing breakfast of a triple peppermint mocha and scone from (cringe) Starbucks. No they don't just have the peppermint mocha at Christmastime. You can waste five dollars on it all year round. I'm out of coffee at home, and the Starbucks has a drive thru right by Kaitlin's school...I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Or not for a while. 
Wednesday's a baby day, so I should be ten minutes away from here!

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