21 April 2009

Love means never having to spend more than $5

I'm trying different and hopefully less aggravating ways to upload the pictures on this thing. This is what happens if I add all the photos at once. Not what I want, but I don't feel like messing with it. I was feeling bad about my lack of crafting lately, but then I remembered my awesome cat bag. Ok, it's not technically a crafted thing, since all I did was print out pictures and put them in a tacky bag I've had for 10 years or so, but it is pret-tee cool. The other pictures show you some neat stuff I bought yesterday. Love Story on DVD for $5! If you haven't seen this movie I guess you have good taste in movies, but it is perfect to have on in the background while you knit. Totally melodramatic and full of glorious seventiesocity. From the box: "This beloved film was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including an Oscar winning musical score that became the poignant theme of timeless romance." And come on, I spend $5 on coffee. 
I also had to have these "new" sharpie pens. Can you guess my favorite thing about them? That's right, the period after "Pen". Apparently there is a difference between the sharpie "markers" I've always loved, and these "pens". So far I haven't discovered what that difference is. 
Last night I watched part 2 of my unintentional Philip Seymour Hoffman retrospective-Synecdoche, New York. I could see why a person might hate this movie, but I kind of liked it. Sometimes my enjoyment of movies is dependent on my mood, so I can't say if I would like it again. But, for whatever reason last night I enjoyed it. Maybe because my #1 girl crush Catherine Keener is in it, as well as another of the most beautiful women ever (Jennifer Jason Leigh). Yes, it was weird and arty and the key word was indulgent, but I think it stayed just this side of watchable. I don't think you'll ever see my reviews on a movie poster. "Just this side of watchable!!"  As you can see in the pen pic, I'm still in my novelty pants so I should turn off the computation machine and start my day. Hope y'all's days are super!

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