04 May 2009

Miniature weekend=gigantic fun!

Hey y'all, did you miss me? I'm back from celebrating my holy day, The Texas Miniature Showcase. Previously TMS was a one-day solitary event. Just me, driving to Dallas, admiring table after table of tiny stuff, and then driving back home. But in the new and improved post-Stark world, it became a weekend long celebration of epic proportions. 
TMS 2009 kicked off Friday with a special Death Cab show just for miniature aficionados. Aw, if that were true, I would have been the only person there. As with all DCFC events, it was for white college kids. (In the dark I could pass!) And while I was sans-Stark at the show itself (he has good taste in music) he did drop me off and pick me up so I didn't have to park downtown. (Heart swelling with love).
You're right, I DID stand in line for quite a while to buy a shirt. But come on, a cat? Double dorky goodness. Plus if you know me, you know I was there way early so I had time to kill. If you really know me you're wondering why I would go to a DC show because you know I hate Ben's irritating guitar swinging thing he does the whole time. True, but he only did it about 80% of the time, and let's just say my tolerance was increased due to my liquid dinner. Btw, as the kids say, did you notice he's rocking my haircut? Silly. 
Miniature Day itself did not disappoint. This year it was in a different hotel, the Elegante. Pretty elegant, if you consider a nursing home elegant. But there were two rooms of minis this year, and they did have a very manly bar where we were able to watch the Kentucky Derby. (Too bad I left my beer hat in the car). Best miniature show ever!
Saturday night we stayed at the Belmont in Dallas. Fantastic. There was even a TMS lightning storm. The atmosphere during miniature weekend was electric!
Sunday we met John's parents at the Dallas Art museum to see the king tut exhibit. Even though it's all over the place, the gold mask thing isn't there. Apparently it's too fragile to leave Egypt. The rest of the stuff is pretty amazing though. It was fun. Y'all know I love museums. 
I did a mediocre job of taking pictures, which you can check on the ol' "flickr thing"
Hey look! I got the yarn for the owl sweater. I had to go pick it up at the post office. I was thinking, "Why do I have to pick this up? Yarn fits in the mailbox, right?" Nope. It's huge! 
It's from jimmybeanswool. They rule because they give you Jolly Ranchers! 
I also got this yarn for socks that may or may not ever exist. The colors remind me of something from my childhood, but I can't figure out exactly what. Any ideas?
Notlee enjoyed the bag of yarn even more than I did. He's a pain but isn't he cute? 
There's so much more I could tell you about TMS weekend, like our visit to Lee Harvey's, a bar with a spectacular beer light collection (including some groovy afro-centric ones: dy-no-mite!) but I really should take a shower before I go out into the world. Maybe if you call me I can tell you all about it. Happy Monday, y'all!

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