05 May 2009

Can this morning be wasted?

Since I think it will be 80+ degrees for the foreseeable future, I decided to get rockin' on the owl sweater. This is straight off the sheep, no dyes. I like it but I forgot how much work is involved when you buy the real stuff. First you have to roll the big hanks (yes that is the technical term) into balls. Seems easy, but it takes forever. Plus it doesn't help when you have to contend with the likes of this guy:
Don't worry, only 35 minutes later everything turned out ok. Ready to go. You can still see Notlee in the background. He gave up and went to sleep. I almost did too. 
Other ways I wasted my morning away: I had to go buy a new tire, since yesterday I just happened to notice that there were little metal wires poking out of the one on the back left side. Knowing me it had been this way for months, but I guess the Texas sun was shining just right and you know I'm distracted by shiny things. It was pretty painless for a car related activity. I read the  "Can this marriage be saved?" column in Ladies Home Journal. Turns out it could. Phew. They told the wife to greet her husband every evening with a hug. She said she forced herself to do it but after a while it seemed to help. How romantic. 
Speaking of romance, I just fell in love with this video.
What are the degrees of separation between doing something productive and finding stuff like this, you ask? Well, I am on many many e-mail lists but one I actually read is the Urban Eye from the NYT. It tells me all the cool stuff I can do this week in New York. If I can get there by tonight, I can go see this dude's show. He's a one man band from Sweden. I'm not sure I'm that into the song but the video is beautiful. 

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