29 April 2009

Small Lizard in my Laundry Room

Obviously, it's well past laundry day. (hey, i see a shoe in there!) Ok, ok, I got off the computer for a second to throw a load in and I made a new friend in the garage:
Isn't he cute? The picture makes him look kind of big, but he's just a little guy. I think he's a gecko, right? I used to know this kind of stuff. But what is that in the corner? Eww. Keep in mind that this is the underside of the shelf above the washer and dryer, and y'all know the cleanliness level of the inside of the house...
Look! The sushi cat is almost done. She just needs arms and legs (well, just legs I guess). That's what the different colored lines are for; I have to take that yarn out and knit the legs in those spots. You're not showing it, but I know you're a little impressed. Mostly that I said I was going to make something and I did, and not six months later either. Go Jen!
Yesterday I bought yarn for the owl sweater. Yes, I do have two or three giant tubs of yarn, but when you make an actual garment you have to have enough of the same kind. Silly. 
I also bought some yarn to make these socks, which you have to admit are cool. Don't worry, I got cheap KnitPicks yarn, not fancy handspun like it says. And instead of a tasteful blue/purple, mine (should they ever exist) will be a gaudy orange/green/red/yellow. 
Wow, that was a lot about yarn. You're probably wondering what I had for breakfast, since I haven't mentioned breakfast in days. Today I had an embarrassing breakfast of a triple peppermint mocha and scone from (cringe) Starbucks. No they don't just have the peppermint mocha at Christmastime. You can waste five dollars on it all year round. I'm out of coffee at home, and the Starbucks has a drive thru right by Kaitlin's school...I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Or not for a while. 
Wednesday's a baby day, so I should be ten minutes away from here!

28 April 2009

Got some time to kill?

Hey y'all, I finally put more pictures on "the flickr thing"...check it out!  'Night.

Rainy days and Tuesdays

Thanks god for the free carwash! This picture is from yesterday, but today looks just the same. I've been feeling a nondescript ickiness for about a week. I had a very un-fun weekend (except for the part where my darlin' RG came over and grilled some still mooing steaks) and I've been in a near "bell jar descending" headspace. Then yesterday I learned of a death in the family of a close old friend, and I decided to snap out. I have nothing at all to be grumpy about. Just check out my cool socks! Yes, I made these some time ago, but I'm sure some of you out of staters have never seen them.  

If you look closely you can see little drops of rain on my toe. 
This morning, yes it's raining, but it's still going to be in the 80's. Naturally I decided to download a few patterns for wool sweaters. I found an owl sweater!!! 
It's just like the owl hat (which you might remember from your Christmas card photo) and so I have no choice but to make it, even if we are headed straight for 100+ degree weather. Yes I HAVE finished sweaters. Really! 
I've spent a crazy amount of time on Ravelry today, and I can't believe I never use it. Stupid! Stupid! But I did start on the sushi cat. I could be finishing it right now. Instead I'm just lounging with Notlee, drinking coffee and wasting the hours away...

21 April 2009

Love means never having to spend more than $5

I'm trying different and hopefully less aggravating ways to upload the pictures on this thing. This is what happens if I add all the photos at once. Not what I want, but I don't feel like messing with it. I was feeling bad about my lack of crafting lately, but then I remembered my awesome cat bag. Ok, it's not technically a crafted thing, since all I did was print out pictures and put them in a tacky bag I've had for 10 years or so, but it is pret-tee cool. The other pictures show you some neat stuff I bought yesterday. Love Story on DVD for $5! If you haven't seen this movie I guess you have good taste in movies, but it is perfect to have on in the background while you knit. Totally melodramatic and full of glorious seventiesocity. From the box: "This beloved film was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including an Oscar winning musical score that became the poignant theme of timeless romance." And come on, I spend $5 on coffee. 
I also had to have these "new" sharpie pens. Can you guess my favorite thing about them? That's right, the period after "Pen". Apparently there is a difference between the sharpie "markers" I've always loved, and these "pens". So far I haven't discovered what that difference is. 
Last night I watched part 2 of my unintentional Philip Seymour Hoffman retrospective-Synecdoche, New York. I could see why a person might hate this movie, but I kind of liked it. Sometimes my enjoyment of movies is dependent on my mood, so I can't say if I would like it again. But, for whatever reason last night I enjoyed it. Maybe because my #1 girl crush Catherine Keener is in it, as well as another of the most beautiful women ever (Jennifer Jason Leigh). Yes, it was weird and arty and the key word was indulgent, but I think it stayed just this side of watchable. I don't think you'll ever see my reviews on a movie poster. "Just this side of watchable!!"  As you can see in the pen pic, I'm still in my novelty pants so I should turn off the computation machine and start my day. Hope y'all's days are super!

17 April 2009

Stark raving awesome!

Last night was another in a series of great performances from C&D's fave musician, R.G. Stark. This time out he was joined by "cute accordion guy" Kevin. Aren't they adorable?
The after party was pretty cool too. We took tourist Lisa to Lala's, a lovely bar where it is always Christmas. I know it's a blurry yucky picture, but check out this crunchy plastic angel! If you're in my family you might remember Granny having this on her front door every single year since the beginning of time. Awesome!! No I don't know how I kept from stealing it either. 
We also have mad love for Lala's for generously donating the beer boxes for our Easter beer box hat project. Thanks, y'all! I'll put some of the other pictures on the Flickr when I'm feeling less lazy and when I see Lisa's photojournalism of the evening (which I'm sure was better than mine).
This morning I took Lisa to the airport in the middle of a monsoon. Seems like every time someone comes to visit us the weather turns to shit. At least this time it was at the end. 
Hey, it's time for T-Flo! Later! 

16 April 2009

Pretty much eagle rules

Our friend Lisa from WA is visiting this week and this morning we had a super fun time watching Eagle Vs. Shark. While you could argue that this isn't the best move ever, I could argue that it kind of is. If not the best, at least one of the most perfectly crafted. Every bit of it is perfectly on point. Beautiful. You must must see it if you haven't, and even if you have, it's an awesome way to use your spare morning time. What's that? You have a real job you have to go to in the mornings? Well, good for you but I'm sure you could find a couple of hours here or there. 

Adaline and I just got back from the HEB and I found some orange cupcakes! I used to love love these as a kid but I'm kind of afraid to eat them now because what if they are not as craptastic as I remember? Maybe I'll save them for part of tomorrow's incomplete breakfast. 
Hey if y'all are in TX tonight, check out the R.G. Stark show. Here's some deets.
I think afterwards we'll be taking Lisa on a Burnet Rd tour and the camera batteries are all charged up this time!! Watch out! 

14 April 2009

Money for nothin

Hey look, I found ten dollars in the dryer! I could get five gallons of gas, or go downtown and have one drink, or have a fancy coffee two days in a row. Or, I could buy some new lip smackers as I seem to have misplaced the one I just bought a few weeks ago. Just the other day Stark was asking me "What's a lip smacker?" (Yes, he was raised in a cave with no sisters) so I was going to show him and I couldn't find the stupid thing anywhere. I know, if I ever put anything away or didn't dump all of the shit out of my bag and invite everyone into my problems all the time, I would know where things are. I get that. Anyway, in case you were also raised in a cave, you should be aware of the secret most cool chicks know-that dr.pepper lip smacker is actually a very nice dark red lip stain, and it's only two dollars. 
At this point I'm sure everyone's wondering, "But how are the cats?" Well, they're adorable as usual, but they're currently in an epic battle for whatever kind of supremacy cats want to achieve. It's annoying, but if I separate them Lee wanders around whining. It's like he enjoys (insert "pussy-whipped" type joke here). 
It is a beautiful day outside, and I am sitting here in the clothes I wore yesterday. Sad. 

13 April 2009

Resurrecting Fun

Yesterday in duplexland we had the greatest Easter party. Pin Jesus on the Cross, a pinata, jello shots and a giant hunk of beef. A wonderful time was had by all. I even took pictures, and put them on my never-used Flickr thing. Check it out: pictures!
When we were in Luckenbach last week, we saw a cowboy hat made out of a lonestar box, and of course decided that would be our Easter party craft. Little did I know that R.G.S. is a master beer box hat crafter. He made me this beautiful one, as I was unable to manage to make one on my own. It is my new favorite possession.

09 April 2009

Killed by Death!

My wikipedia article of the day email today was about Motorhead. "Motorhead's lyrics typically cover such topics as war, good versus evil, abuse of power, promiscuous sex, substance abuse, and life on the road." Very informative. Then I thought, "Hey, I don't think I've ever heard a Motorhead song." (If you know me this is not hard to believe at all) So I headed over to one of mankind's greatest achievements: you(can waste your whole life on this site)tube. Ta-da! You're welcome. 
Otherwise it was a pretty uneventful day. I took K. to the eye dr., worked, and came back home. Richie (Dad Howell) gave me some smoked pork. Mmm. This little piggy was killed by death. 

07 April 2009

I Heart the Howells

For some reason I agreed to sub at Amy's job today in the 2 year old class. I know, they look harmless enough. I can not believe I used to do this day after day for a thousand years. No wonder I'm slightly touched. My love and appreciation for the Howells increased exponentially. 
I didn't do much else except the taking care of other people's children for 12 straight hours today. I ate two sandwiches, a turkey & swiss and an eggplant parmesan.
Right now I'm enjoying a forgotten favorite-orange/vanilla swirl ice cream and a grown-up soda in my new church of cat mug. (thanks amy!) I think I'll try to get through another half episode of Mad Men before I fall asleep. It's pretty good, although it's hard to say since I'm only 1.5 episodes in.  I like the look of it, but am I to believe that everyone in the early 60's smoked every second of every day? Actually a cigarette doesn't sound half bad right about now...                                                                                                                    

04 April 2009

don't call it a comeback

Hey y'all! I've decided to dust off the ol' commentary and dissent and see if she still plays. I read through the archives and was struck by how few things have changed in my life since Nov.2007 (!) but how huge those few things are.
Everlasting love for leechat
Occasionally completed crafts
Novelty lounge pants
Fervent loyalty to bad t.v. shows
Crazy for breakfast, beer, bill clinton
Striving to complete NYT crossword sunday
New cat-Hubert Cumberdale, better known as "Notlee"
New computer-thanks, gov't knockup  bonus
New love-that's right, spinster cat lady got herself a man. Don't ask how or why, I don't know. I'll spare y'all the gory details, but I'll just say that after a year of trying to destroy me the universe has finally cut me some slack.

So 2008 wasn't without its high points. I had a super fun suicide prevention weekend (some people call this a birthday), Thanksgiving break was great for reasons I'm sure you'd rather not know about-except the part about the Conor Oberst show (eyes become cartoon hearts). I have a solid group of friends who go above and beyond the call of duty at every opportunity. I have a beautiful child, and the world's best cat. It was impossible to see it at the time, but now I understand that I had some lessons to (re)learn...blah, blah. 
Holy crap. I'm forgetting that the point of this blogging thing is to write about breakfast and crafts, not blather on about life lessons! Jeez!
Ok, let's jump right back in. Today's breakfast-bagel, juice, coffee. The crafting has kind of stalled out. You would not believe the amount of things I've been doing lately. And not once have I remembered to bring a camera with me. Stupid! Stupid! Luckily we live in the computer age so I can offer a few links for those of you with even more time on your hands.
Yesterday we drove out to Willow City and had a few lonestars at Harry's on the loop. Harry's is (so far) the best bar I've ever seen, and I can't find any pictures on these darn internet tubes to do it justice. Note to self: put camera in bag and leave it there! I'll just say poorly maintained taxidermy animals wearing various holiday adornments. Next time I'll have pictures, I promise. 
Saturday we went to see Adventureland, and it was pretty good. Sweet, not too gag-laden but funny. Thumbs up. Plus Martin Starr is in it. You may know him as Bill Haverchuck, my favorite character on Freaks and Geeks. Or, like some people I know you may have never seen Freaks and Geeks. You should. Soon. 
Hmm. Noon. Guess I should take a shower. Later!