30 September 2007

tv on the computer

What a lovely day (so far) B.C. on snuffalupagus and mtp, a boy made me breakfast (french toast), I finished the other sleeve. Then I started the "skirt" of the sweater-picking up stitches,YUCK!-while watching my most embarassing indulgence: grey's anatomy. No, it's not very good, you're right, but I am for some reason fixated on watching every episode. Luckily I can watch it online when I am alone.
See this blob of knitted fabric. This is the sweater in progress. Not only did I have to pick up stitches, I had to seam the sides and shoulders. Why don't I read the patterns first? Anyway, I shouldn't complain too much because this sweater is really very easy and besides I shouldn't be using patterns anymore.

I'm sure most of you are wondering "how's lee chat?" He's fine, but obviously annoyed at having his picture taken. He's two years old now, and continues to love yarn, milk, paper, and rubber bands.
Ok: knitting, cat, television...could my life be any more elderly? Don't you do anything fun anymore, Jen? Well, yesterday I went for one drink at a fancy restaurant. Then to the grocery and bookstore. But remember the other day I drank a bunch of beer from a bucket? Remember!?

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