21 February 2011


I've decided that the world would be a much better place if more foods were served in ball form. Here we have another fine example, the crab ball:A perfect sphere of deliciousness. Compact, easy to eat. World! Are you listening? More balls please. Maybe I should rephrase. More food balls please.
The crab ball was just one of the many delights of the first Starkspedition of 2011: Galveston. Don't ask why we went to Galveston, ask why you didn't go with us. Even I am impressed with the stunning array of fantastic weekends we've been having as of late. Super Bowl, Rock Cats, offensive costume party, and now this. You can see the full photo spread on the flickr.
How to recount so much fun packed in just a couple of days? I'll try one of my favorites, the No Particular Order list:
-Crab Balls!! Ok, here there is an order. Crab balls are #1!!
-foggy beach...spooky.
-The Poop Deck, one of the greatest bars of all time. (sad trivia side note: the PD is where the cover mermaid from Shrimp Boat Town used to live, but post Hurricane Ike, she is no more.)
-riding a four wheel bicycle thing down Seawall Ave- So. Fun.
-eating more yummy food, specifically shrimp, at Benno's
-staying at a silly hotel that looked like a prize from Wheel of Fortune circa 1986
-riding ferries
-identifying birds while waiting for ferries
-driving around looking at all the crazy houses and old buildings
-enjoying the tall ship museum even though the tall ship is in dry dock far away
-drinking a margarita called "Presidente Clinton"
-spending time with my sweet little husband
Sorry, got a little mushy there at the end...
Of course no Starkspedition would be complete without a stop at some kind of historical site. This time, The San Jacinto Monument. You may know that the Texans are very serious about their history. You have to admit that they do have a way more badass story than most states. And, as you know, they like stuff big here. This monument does not disappoint. It's HUGE. You can ride an elevator up to the top and gaze out at a horizon of...scary petrochemical plant stuff. (It is, after all, right by Houston.)
Texas History is pretty interesting. We saw a movie (and when I say "movie" I mean PowerPoint presentation, but I digress) that should have made me somewhat of a Texas History expert, but y'all know my lackluster comprehension skills. Oh well, you've got a computer, right?
Can another fun weekend possibly be coming up next week? Yep. Oscar party.


Anonymous said...

Aw, man, I can't believe the mermaid is gone from the PD! I love the Shrimp Boat Town cover.

Emily "Powerhouse" Howell said...

I too am a big fan of the ball shaped food. Can't wait to see what's next!