10 February 2011

C & D at The Movies 2: The List

Poor Mark Ruffalo. First he has to be in the stupid lesbian movie, and then everyone in it is mean to him. But the joke's on them since he gets to be the new Hulk in The Avengers! The lesbians will regret making him angry.
That's right. My Self-Imposed Pointless Project of the moment is complete. For the first time ever, I have actually seen all of the Oscar Nominees for Best Picture!
For my own personal entertainment, I've made a list from 1 (super awesome) to 10 (wish I could get that time back to waste on something else):
1. The King's Speech. Great Great Great!
2. Winter's Bone. I know, I said True Grit was my #1 pick until I saw the King movie, but that's because I had forgotten that this one was nominated. Also very very good. My husband would probably say Winter's Bone is his #1, but he hasn't seen the King movie yet.
3. True Grit. Some people are annoyed by the lack of contractions, but I loved it. Plus-Matt Damon!!!
4. The Fighter. This one was honestly a letdown. I wanted it to be a bit darker. But, guess it's a true story so it has to turn out like it turned out. And of course, I love me some Marky Mark!
5. The Social Network. This one was a surprise. Much more entertaining than I thought. As usual, a stunningly cute performance from my JT and "the best friend guy" is a new imaginary boyfriend.
6. 127 Hours. Didn't live up to the hype, but delivered on my own expectations: "Cute boy cuts off arm." Yep.
7. Black Swan. Everyone luuuvs this one, but it left me unmoved. Very pretty, very well made, kind of pointless.
8. Inception. Looked cool, had that kid from 3rd Rock, but I didn't like how they kept explaining what was happening in the movie in the movie.
9. Toy Story 3. Just told you about this the other day.
10. The Kids are All Right. Maybe, but this movie was stupid stupid stupid. I like lesbians as much as anyone (Y'all know I watch Ellen every day!) but I thought this was just your classic middle class romantic drama b.s. except Hey! They're gay! That makes it edgy! Poor Mark.

1 comment:

Rhubarb said...

I haven't seen the Kings Speech (Justin refuses to see it with me), but Winter's Bone was amazing! I also liked True Grit, and didn't understand the hype about The Kids are All Right. I do disagree with the Black Swan thing, though I always like a good thriller, and I thought the imagery was amazing. I know find Ramona's ballet class creepy.