28 February 2011

Again with the Super Fun Time weekend

Time for another installment of "Jen tells you how much fun she had this weekend" Ready? Now before you start to get annoyed that my weekends are more fun than yours, know that my week was, for various reasons I don't care to recall, UN. PLEASANT. So I figure the least the universe can do is provide decent weekends. And this February, she has not disappointed. Saturday afternoon, the husband and I set out on a couch finding mission at our local thrift stores. No luck on the couch front, unless we can find some much younger and stronger people to carry one of those lovely wood and floral velvet hide-a-bed numbers from the late 70's up the stairs. But what the Goodwill lacked in couches they made up for (in a big way) with: VHS TAPES y'all!! Fiddy cent apiece!Here's my cute little husband with our haul. Yes, Top Gun.
We spent so much time combing through the wall of tapes at Goodwill that we were a little late for our next stop, an art show by a friend of our friend Robin, Thomas Kemper. No, people in the northwest, not the soda. Here we are looking all cleaned and grown-up:
(John's tie and Jen's shoes courtesy of-you guessed it-Goodwill!) I should take a closer-up pic of the shoes, they're great. Maybe in a few months.
You may also remember from the last post that we had an Oscar Party. I took a few pictures, now available on the flickr. No, there were no cake pops but there was Good Time Lime and my new signature cookie-the chewy chocolate peanut butter chip. My secret? Just follow the recipe on the back of the peanut butter chip bag. Sneaky, huh? PLUS: I won the Ballot Pool!! I knew watching all those movies and reading so much Yahoo! Entertainment News would pay off someday. Never mind that my winnings only recouped about half of the party expenses- I won y'all! Take that, unpleasant week.
And as if the Thomas Kemper thing wasn't enough to remind me of the NW, check this out:
Yep, a Seahawks Koozie at the gas station just down the street. Silly. Must have been left over from that one time the Seahawks were in the Super Bowl. Look, it's already been used (at the Oscar Party) and has some random crud on it. Go Hawks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the BIG WIN! What's coming up next?