24 September 2010

Some people (my mom) pointed out to me that I may have neglected to mention what a fun time I had while my mom was in town. I did. By far the highlight (for her) was our visit to the Texas State Cemetery. She was very excited. For some reason she loves (LOVES.) cemeteries. It made me so happy to make her happy that I agreed to a rare full body photo:Look, Erick, I have a Rangers shirt too.
We also did a lot of shopping and eating and stuff like that. She bought me this super cool necklace which yes, I could totally make but I never would.
Careful followers (Aileene) will remember that I've been in a bit of a reading slump. Y'all (Aileene) will be happy to know that (again, thanks to my mom) I think I'm out. I made-I mean asked nicely-my mom buy this book because of my weird refusal to be openly participating in ultra-hyped book events. Even worse, now it's an Oprah Book Club pick! I'm (once again) shaking my fist in the air at you Oprah! Goddamn your marginally good taste in books! Now I look like some O-worshipping soccer mom!! At least the book is good. Really good. While he's by no means my favorite Jonathan, I have to admit Mr. Franzen is a badass.
Speaking of badasses, look who's making yet another hat:
Yep, me! I'm in some kind of hat frenzy. This makes three! In a matter of months! Crazy!! Again, thanks to my mom, who bought me this yarn while we were in Seattle. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It feels really smooshy and the color (glazed carrot!) is fantastic. Here's the pattern. In case you, ya know, wanna make one for yourself.
Oops, I'm late for lady lunch! Gotta run!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you haven't been, you and your mom should check out the French Legation house. When we saw it many moons ago, there was a table set with a beautiful place setting, and on the end of the table was a strange shaped glass thing open at one end. It was a fly catcher! They would coat the inside of the container with honey to attract the flys who would go in but couldn't get out. I loved it and have never seen another one. On Fri. I was in Abilene returning pigeons and saw a T shirt that you would love. It said," Fixin to As in 'I'm fixin to ... The state verb of Texas":)