28 September 2010

The Usual: Open with Hat, Close with Cats

Hi y'all. The Great Hat Frenzy of 2010 continues!Here's the side view. I think this yarn, while FANTASTIC, was ever so slightly too thick for this particular stitch pattern. It's still super cute though.
Yes, I'm wearing my Rangers shirt again. Apparently the Rangers are having a miraculous year.
This weekend was my sweet love's birthday! While it would be next to impossible to top last year, we had fun. We had yummy yummy food at Mandola's, went to a rock show, and I made a cobbler! One more Texas citizenship test passed!!
Another part of the Texas Citizenship Program is paying more attention to sports. It was a bad news/good news TX sport weekend, with the Horns suffering an embarrassing defeat, but the Rangers clinching a trip to the playoffs and the Cowboys finally winning. I have to believe the Cowboys victory had something to do with the purchase of these:
Now I'm ready to:
Speaking of tough...CATFIGHT!!

24 September 2010

Some people (my mom) pointed out to me that I may have neglected to mention what a fun time I had while my mom was in town. I did. By far the highlight (for her) was our visit to the Texas State Cemetery. She was very excited. For some reason she loves (LOVES.) cemeteries. It made me so happy to make her happy that I agreed to a rare full body photo:Look, Erick, I have a Rangers shirt too.
We also did a lot of shopping and eating and stuff like that. She bought me this super cool necklace which yes, I could totally make but I never would.
Careful followers (Aileene) will remember that I've been in a bit of a reading slump. Y'all (Aileene) will be happy to know that (again, thanks to my mom) I think I'm out. I made-I mean asked nicely-my mom buy this book because of my weird refusal to be openly participating in ultra-hyped book events. Even worse, now it's an Oprah Book Club pick! I'm (once again) shaking my fist in the air at you Oprah! Goddamn your marginally good taste in books! Now I look like some O-worshipping soccer mom!! At least the book is good. Really good. While he's by no means my favorite Jonathan, I have to admit Mr. Franzen is a badass.
Speaking of badasses, look who's making yet another hat:
Yep, me! I'm in some kind of hat frenzy. This makes three! In a matter of months! Crazy!! Again, thanks to my mom, who bought me this yarn while we were in Seattle. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It feels really smooshy and the color (glazed carrot!) is fantastic. Here's the pattern. In case you, ya know, wanna make one for yourself.
Oops, I'm late for lady lunch! Gotta run!

21 September 2010

Knittin'and partyin'

So yes it is almost one in the afternoon and I haven't taken a shower yet, but I thought I would take a minute (well, an hour if you count the flickr uploading, but I digress...) to update y'all on my goings-on and show you my hat:
It's just like the one I made for Amy. It's a teensy bit too big but I like it anyway. I'm sure I'll be wearing it soon since last night it dipped way down into the mid 70's. (Happy first day of fall y'all!!)
That's the "knittin'" news, on to the "partyin": On Sept. 11 the North Texas Division of our family threw us a lovely wedding shower in Denton. It was the "real"-est party that has ever been thrown for me and it was super fun even though we had to open presents in front of people (there was a margarita machine for that).
Last Sunday the Howells had a Second Week of Football party (long story/inside joke) and again-margarita machine! I'm sensing a trend...
Sadly, I didn't take any of my own pictures at the shower (left the camera at the motel, stupid! stupid!) and my mom's camera was acting a little wacky, so I just have a few pictures right now. John's cousin Leah was the official photographer so I'm hoping she got some better ones. I put what I do have on the flickr, along with a few football shots.
Uh oh, Jerry's telling me his final thought...gotta go!

07 September 2010


My mom is coming to town today, so of course it is pouring.Every single time my family comes here, the weather turns to shit. Oops, guess I shouldn't have invited them to an outdoor wedding. Bring a poncho!
Minute by Minute present update: my sis and Jon gave us a fancy new teevee!
(Reruns of Ellen in High Def!)
It has all sorts of color coded inputs and outputs but I just had to use one:
My sweet love declared last night that he is going to start "championing" Hubert, because Lee gets too much attention. He's right. Poor Hube. Here's a glamour shot:

He is a handsome little cat. Go Hubert Cumberdale Go!

06 September 2010

Happy Labor Day

(The Koozies are here! The Koozies are here!)
I googled "september in texas" for header images, and I got this. Looks like a trip to Lubbock is in order.
Happy Labor Day y'all. I'm celebrating by having cake for breakfast, then going to work.
This weekend we watched the first (of many) ass-kickings delivered by our beloved Longhorns, but I forgot to bring knitting. I did get some reading done during the commercials. I've read it before of course, but it reminded me of my all-consuming love for Carson. She's the greatest.
My mom's coming tomorrow, so I should be putting a smackdown on this apartment. Later!