25 March 2010

Back on track

Hey y'all! Looks like I've let a lot of time pass between posts again. Oops. Hope you've found some other things to do.
Let's see, what have you missed? Weekend before last, we did one of my new favorite things-going to the races! I LOVE this. Mostly because I win. It is so fun. And there's hotdogs! We also went to the Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge. Also fun, and I got to crouch through barbed wire fence for the first time. (We had to do a little bit of trail blazing) Pics of these activities are on the flickr.
Last week was spring break, which in Austin means SXSW. It also means I "work" way longer hours, but thanks to good ol' JS I was able to get out with the kids for some daytime rock shows. Our friend Jack Daniel Stanley had a few entries in the film fest. His new short Depth of Phil was really great. After the screening we had a few drinks at the Highball, and met Gary who plays Phil in the movie. Turns out he was the casting director on The Last Picture Show. Very cool. Oh yeah, we went to a free Cheap Trick show at Auditorium Shores. I love living here.
In other entertainment news, yes I did go out and buy the fox movie yesterday. This movie makes me very happy. See it this minute if you haven't, or go watch it again.
I also bought (gulp) a pilates video. Yes you read that right. I've been trying this month to put a bit of a smackdown on myself as my love of beer and fest-type foods has really been catching up with me. It kicked my ass but I think I may love it. It involves a lot of rocking on the floor which is something I already do.
I got another parcel in my locker!! Yarn of course. Spectacular Malabrigo Lace to make this. Yes, I have another cupcake mitten to finish. And the foxes. And the throw for the papasan chair, and lots of other stuff. Pay attention to your own knitting projects.
My computer's been acting wacky, so I should post this before I lose it. Hope y'all are well.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. Hope you got paid overtime!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. Hope you got paid overtime!