31 August 2010

(jennifer) Anne of Green (apartment complex)

Look! We got our first present. Owl salt and pepper shakers. (Thanks Michael!) Cute. Careful observers will notice that they're sitting on my Anne of Green Gables book. My dear friend Rachel (of paper doll fame) has decided to throw an A of GG tea/miniseries watching party, which has inspired me to read the book (again). We won't talk about how this party is scheduled during my "work" hours (depths of despair!) but I'm enjoying the book very much. I was able to read a good chunk of it yesterday when I had to go to the tire store (poor little Sentra was getting wobbly) and redirect a portion of my rent money to three (!) new tires. Yuck.
Maybe an easy, pleasurable book from my childhood will finally restart my interest in reading. I was trying very hard to read that dragon tattoo book, but to no avail. Snooze! Luckily the Starks shared my opinion and reminded me that massively popular bestsellers are not my bag. I'm counting on you, Anne! "The most beloved, beguiling and timeless heroine in all of fiction."

27 August 2010

Look, I'm being productive!

See? I'm watching bad daytime TV and working on stuff for The Thing! (I just finished a summer of 10 hour days, so if I want to find out which one IS the father, I think it's o.k.) This particular mess is the invitation project, but in the background you can see supplies for some kind of centerpiece or something. Who knows. I also got this book, because $4 a slice for cake is just silly. Luckily I have several helpers for the cake testing process. I think everything is on track. Boy? Check. Dress? Check. Venue? Check. Koozies? Check.
I finished the hat for Amy, just in time for the cold front. Brrr! It's in the low 90's! It's quite cute and I think I might need one for myself.

I also had time to watch this video. It made me very very happy. What do you think?
Well, better get back to work. Unlike some other members of this family...

23 August 2010

Two Month Warning

Hi y'all! We're at the two month mark till The Thing. I ordered the koozies, so now there's no turning back. Right now I should be working on invitations, but today is my first day back on regular school-year work schedule, so I'm enjoying my special a.m. alone time.
Oops, another month has flown by with no C&D to keep you company. Sorry. What's been happening? I've been working L O N G days, it's been HOT, but we've had some fun.
Friday we went to Rachel's (the genius behind the Jen paper dolls) apt. warming party. Look what I made for her:
A party tray of dishcloths! I didn't get a picture of the tray itself, but it has little Texases on it. Cute! I also finally finished the pillow and I'm quite pleased with it. Yesterday we went to a baseball game and I started a hat for my sis. Pretty soon it will be football season again, so the knitting will be in full swing.
Certainly I've done something besides knitting, right? Hmmm...last weekend we went to the Stark's for a Leo Birthday dinner (there's a ton of them in the family) and to see the Denton Community Theater's production of The Producers. It was great. We also got new pedis, but I'll spare you any more photos of my feet.
I finally got around to watching Greenberg. And you're right, it kind of sucked. It's sad because I love love Noah Baumbach, but I hate hate Ben Stiller. (Watch this. It's funny.)
Now that I'm back on my regular schedule, I'll try to update this more often. Like maybe twice a month.
Guess I should take a shower today. Later!