27 January 2010

Happy Half Birthday to ME!

(Yes, I am silly enough to celebrate my half birthday.)
Remember the episode of Seinfeld when Kramer decides to live in his shower? If you don't you can watch it here. What did we do before the internets? (Oh yeah, read books and interact with other humans) I could so do that-if I came into some money and got a fancy continuous hot water thing. But as much as I love the in-shower, I hate hate hate the aftermath: wet hair. Yuck! Most of y'all know my hair stays wet FOREVER and is very tangly and sticky. Yes, I am aware of this invention called the hair dryer, but 1. I can't stand still for that long and 2. it takes FOREVER for my hair to dry even with a dryer. While we're on the (riveting) subject of my hair, it's time for my yearly breakdown wherein I feel compelled to get a haircut. Here's a reminder of last year's "ready for kindergarten" look:
And here I am today, all shaggy and overgrown:
Yeah, I guess my hair did grow a lot in a year. Maybe beer makes hair grow. So, the eternal question: bangs or no bangs? I always had bangs as a kid, the classic cut by grandma (crooked), straight across, and then of course the junior high pathetic attempt at high bangs (if my stuff wasn't all packed up I could scan a sweet yearbook photo for ya) and then as an adult, I've toyed here and there with the "sidesweep". Ah, what to do...Man, this is the most self-indulgent post ever! (The key word here is "indulgent") But hey, y'all, it's my half birthday!!
Look, I finished the green lacy scarfette thing. Taking pictures of yourself is NOT good for the self-esteem. Apparently self-indulgent blogging is though.
Ok, I should get back to some move-related tasks. Thanks for wasting time on my hair. Any ideas, y'all?

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