21 January 2010

Moving right along

Hey y'all, guess I'm doing the L O N G break between posts thing again. Wish I could say it's because I've been crazy busy doing super fun stuff, but mostly I've been sitting around talking to the cats. I have been doing some slow packing, though, because I'm moving (!) on the 29th. Yep, it's my very first big girl apartment at the tender age of 36. Instead of being depressed about just now embarking on living on my own (I mean, it wasn't like I was living in my mom's basement or anything-she doesn't even have a basement-but still) I've decided to treat it like my hyper-birthday celebration and have already started planning a party. (Feb. 20th if you're in town) Here's a cute pic of some of my stuff:
There will be much much less stuff than in previous moves in my life, but packing/moving still sucks. Luckily I have a cute and hardworking boy to help me. We've already been taking advantage of some of our local dumpsters and the Goodwill. Fun.
Hey look! Now that it's back in the high 60's-low 70's outside, I finished (one) of the cupcake mittens. Well, not finished, since I still have to do the thumb, but almost. See the red line? That's where the thumb goes. I can do that tomorrow while I watch GA online.
Have I ever told y'all about my passionate love for McSweeney's? Sometimes when the cats and I run out of things to talk about I spend large amounts of time there. Funny funny stuff. Once I was reading this hilarious piece about the Maury show while I just happened to be watching the Maury show. I mean, while I was doing something productive and smart.
What have y'all been up to? Seems no one emails me anymore unless I send them a picture of an ice penis...

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