11 December 2009

Running to Stand Still

Since 2005, I haven't done much reading. Yes, this summer I did read that "giant-ass book" but it was definitely more chore than pleasure. So on the recommendation of one of my many imaginary friends, I decided to read some easy pop-junk. The Stand! I loved me some Stephen King in high school, but I don't think I ever read this one. And hey, even if I did you know I forgot it all. I'm only on page 29 and already there's been this sentence- "the man on the floor grunted, and then began to cough, racking chainlike explosions that sent heavy mucus spraying from his mouth in long and ropy splatters." That's what I'm talkin' about. 
Guess I was wrong about winter being over. It's COLD again (43!!!) so I might get to wear the hoodie thing (now with hood!) but I have to pick up 258 stitches around the edge for the place where the buttons go. 258! yuck. I know this means nothing to all y'all non-knitters, but picking up stitches is my least favorite knitting task. I should never make something that requires picking up stitches but sometimes I don't think things through.  
Speaking of thinking, I bet you're wondering about the fate of the Duplexicons! Sorry I forgot to mention it last week, but we "won" 3rd place. This week? 3rd! Again! If you scroll all the way down through the pictures you can see me eating a tasty burger, a new addition to the Mr. Tramp's menu. GOOD. If you're in the Ohlen Rd. area, you should check it out. Uh oh, yawning cat. I think we're done here. 

08 December 2009


Hi y'all. Don't worry, Texas thawed out just fine and we seem to be no worse for wear. Finally winter is behind us. Phew! 
On Sunday Kaitlin and I went to see Fantastic Mr. Fox and it was just as advertised (fantastic!). Go to the website and watch the featurette about how they made all the miniatures of everything in Roald Dahl's house. (jumping and clapping)
Well we finally solved the problem of the giant hat. John's huge head, I mean brain! Of course. He was able to stay warm and cozy at pizza carnival on Saturday (because on Saturday it was still winter. Brrr!)
Guess I won't have to reknit the yarn into something else after all. (You're right, I probably never would have anyway. Y'all know me so well.) Some of y'all may know I have to move soon. (very soon. yikes.) So yesterday I started cleaning stuff out. First, the very important task of sorting through the junk drawer. Thanks for all your help Lee. 

04 December 2009

Whoop de do!

Hey y'all! Happy Hollydaze from the icy depths of central Texas!! It's COLD! So much so that I've had to bust out these cool slipper sock things, my first knitted garments. 
Hubert Cumberdale and I have been busy putting up our sad little tree. I'm trying to not hate Christmas so much this year, but it's tough. It helps to have a little Texan sunshine with the tree. (But it's still COLD!!!)
One of the few things I do love about Christmastime is making paper snowflakes. That's how I've spent the morning today. 
Look at this one: a heart? I don't even know myself anymore. 
Hey, check this out! It's real live snowflakes OUTSIDE the window! See? Look very closely (or click on the picture to make it big) and you can see some tiny flurries. The local weather people are going insane. If I hear the words "winter wonderland" one more time...
Here's a "snowflake" on the Sentra. 
Guess I better go shovel out the driveway so I can get to work. Later!