05 November 2009

Happiness is a Warm Gun

Hey y'all. Once again it's been a long long time since my last post. I was pretty busy, gearing up for my favorite holiday-Halloween! Hot gluing like crazy to finish the Howellkids' costumes (only to find out that Adaline attends some kind of soul crushing school that doesn't let kids dress up or have parties!!) and as usual, putting off my own costume prep till the last second, resulting in a half-assed rendition of a full-assed idea. (We were Hall and Oates!) Sadly, or maybe not so sadly as it involved a REAL moustache on the part of Mr. Oates, there is NO photographic evidence whatsoever. We did have tons of fun though, and were photographed by amateur paparazzi at Wurstfest! I guess if you did an exhaustive internet search you could find pictures of us somewhere. 
Last night, The Duplexicons! made a less than stellar 4th place showing at Mr. Tramps. But have I mentioned that the other teams are much bigger? 
In knitting news, I finished my hat. No pictures of that either, except on the Ravelry. I'm trying to finish the right front of the kind of abandoned Hoodie, but it is slow going. 
I'm sure I'm missing some important super fun thing, but for now I'll leave you with a Glamour Shot of Lee Chat:

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