30 November 2009

Vampires and Tigers and Fire, Oh My!

I promise someday I'll really do the "no computer (insert day of the week)" thing I've been talking about, but until then here I am: it's after noon, I'm still in my loungepants, the laundry remains unfolded. But I'm totally caught up on the Yahoo! News. 
How was y'all's Thanksgivings? Ours was great. Delicious food, entertaining company and fun activities. 
Kaitlin, Aileene (John's mom) and I totally chicked out: we went to see New Moon (I know! Start making fun of me now-I didn't even hate it), shopped downtown Denton, and got pedicures!! Friday night there was a little grease fire incident, and Saturday we went to see tigers! Plus there was plenty of relaxing time for knitting. The hoodie now actually has a hood but I'm too lazy to take a picture of it today. Maybe later in the week. But not on "no computer" day. Promise. Oooh! The mail truck... 

24 November 2009

Mr. Golden Sun

I LOVE having to wear sunglasses to go out in November! God Bless Texas, y'all! Today I didn't have to "work" but instead of staying home and getting ready to leave for Denton tomorrow, I went to a ladies' lunch and shopping. It might be nice and sunny outside but it is definitely the holiday season because these things happened: I heard "Wonderful Christmastime" and I bought (another) performance fleece scarf. I know-I can only wear scarves for a few days, and I already have plenty. But come on, they're three dollars. Here it is and yes, that is my Texas Christmas ornament from last year still hanging on the doorknob.
When Kaitlin gets home from school, we're headed out to see Precious. Oprah presents a movie about a troubled black teen. My inner 16 year-old is very excited. And I'm excited that my actual 16 year-old wants to go with me. 
Hope y'all have a great turkey day. We're off to spend a few days with the Starks. Hopefully I'll remember to take some pictures this time. 
Special Thanksgiving Love to my Mommy! I am very thankful for you and I'm thinking about you all the time. 

17 November 2009

Master of Puppets

Hey y'all, sorry I made you wait so long for the trivia report. Sadly,the Duplexicons made no progress, maintaining a 4th place finish for the second week in a row. But the team captain (me!) won a free beer for knowing the name of Big Bird's teddy bear. I knew watching a ton of TV as a kid would pay off someday. 
Against my better judgement I made a giant pancake for breakfast today. I'm sure I will regret it sooner rather than later.
How was your weekend? Mine was average: a party, some football. My Bengals (yes, I like the Bengals now, because of their pants) did a great job while someone else's Cowboys tanked. Guess I shouldn't get too smug because while I was watching the Boys' debacle, I completely screwed up my knitting project and had to start all over. 
Look, y'all! I didn't just get mail, I got ROYAL mail! Brilliant! It was my Ysolda book that I pre-ordered quite a while ago. There's even a little note from Ysolda herself: (it says "knit some whimsy")
And once again flying in the face of good judgement and restraint, I bought some yarn to (gulp) re-do the "shower cap mishap". I ended up trying to give it to Adriane, but she rejected it so I think I will undo it (in knitknerd speak, it's called "frogging") and use the yarn for something else. It's 5% cashmere, after all. 
But look at this! If you cared about this stuff, you would want it too. It's beauty-full and it comes from right here in TX! No wonder I never have any money. 
Time for a C & D entertainment minute, wherein I recommend entertainments only I would love! The other day I broke down and watched Away We Go. I know, it got bad reviews and I was prepared to be disappointed, but why did I doubt Dave for a second? Of course it was a little clunky and self-consciously-not-trying-to-be-sentimental-but-actually-syrupy-sweet and of course I loved it. A+. Pick #2: During the pancake eating portion of my day I watched part of disc one of Important Things with another I.B.-Demetri Martin. I'm sure this show won't be on TV very long, but it is adorable. Speaking of adorable, Lee Chat is cute even when he's bored of watching me waste half the day on this computer...

06 November 2009

At least I had something to do while I "watched" football

How do the teenagers do it? It's hard to take decent pictures of yourself. Here's the hat. It's kind of HUGE. Less "tam", more "shower cap". I love it anyway. I love it more than ripping it out and starting all over again that is. On the plus side, I can put my hair in it (shower cap!) so it will work when I'm too lazy to wash my hair. I was able to wash my hair today though as you can see from the cute little wet spot on my shirt. Y'all know that my hair has super-human water retention capacity. It doesn't help that I usually don't get around to showering till noonish. Ah, the hardships of having to leave for work at two in the afternoon. 

05 November 2009

Happiness is a Warm Gun

Hey y'all. Once again it's been a long long time since my last post. I was pretty busy, gearing up for my favorite holiday-Halloween! Hot gluing like crazy to finish the Howellkids' costumes (only to find out that Adaline attends some kind of soul crushing school that doesn't let kids dress up or have parties!!) and as usual, putting off my own costume prep till the last second, resulting in a half-assed rendition of a full-assed idea. (We were Hall and Oates!) Sadly, or maybe not so sadly as it involved a REAL moustache on the part of Mr. Oates, there is NO photographic evidence whatsoever. We did have tons of fun though, and were photographed by amateur paparazzi at Wurstfest! I guess if you did an exhaustive internet search you could find pictures of us somewhere. 
Last night, The Duplexicons! made a less than stellar 4th place showing at Mr. Tramps. But have I mentioned that the other teams are much bigger? 
In knitting news, I finished my hat. No pictures of that either, except on the Ravelry. I'm trying to finish the right front of the kind of abandoned Hoodie, but it is slow going. 
I'm sure I'm missing some important super fun thing, but for now I'll leave you with a Glamour Shot of Lee Chat: