20 October 2007

blog shmog

Now I'm remembering why I abandoned the old excruciating minutiae blog. Blogging sucks. It takes forever to get the pictures to be in the right spot, and I don't really do anything to write about in the first place. But, on we go.
I tried (and failed) to post this picture of the g.d. tilted duster last Sunday, but in order to save my computer from a violent death, I had to take a break. What have I been up to these past eleven days or so? Not much. Last Sunday I did the usual: knitting, watching my shows, being grumpy about the weekend being over...I did go to the movies last weekend. I saw Eastern Promises with Naomi Watts and the lord of the rings guy. It opened with a graphic throat cutting, so I enjoyed it. Every time I see a Naomi Watts movie, I want to cut my hair. Luckily in this one it shows her blow drying, which reminds me that, no, I do not want to cut my hair after all.
The work week was filled with the normal hating my job, going out for buckets of beer, babysitting and the like. I did get some cute new "business" cards from moo.com (they came in the "post" from the u.k.! "Par Avion"!) but I need to be more careful about who to give them to. Not everyone you meet should get your phone number.
Today is cooking show day on our pbs station, so I've been watching people cook weird stuff while I tidy up the house. Right now someone is showing me how to make easy meals with things I already have in the pantry. You mean you're supposed to keep food in the house all the time? oops.
Speaking of food, I just noticed that I'm starving. Oh yeah, that's because it's three in the afternoon and I haven't eaten anything. Better go to the store.

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