09 October 2007


You would think after seven full days without a post, I would have something to report. You would be wrong. How was my weekend? Relaxing would be a polite word for it. I didn't do anything. I watched my sunday shows, but they were weak. I worked on my sweater, but I'm doing the long, repetitive ribbing on the back. One row takes about eight minutes. Snore. It will be done soon though, I promise. I watched Knocked Up, and while it wasn't bad, it wasn't as funny as I wanted it to be. Plus it worked out a bit too nicely for my taste. I went to the HEB, caught up on G.A., bor-ing. Tonight I spent an exasperating half hour or so looking for my favorite shirt (the black one with the knot in the middle) to wear to this fundraising thing I have to go to tomorrow. Maybe something exciting will happen there. On the plus side, I did go to the water tank, my favorite local dive bar, yesterday and had more than my fair share of $2 drinks. I've also restarted my obsession with the nyt crossword. I did Monday just fine but couldn't finish today. Pathetic. I used to be smart. Really! Didn't I?

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