27 September 2011

September, I remember (most of it)

Twenty-six days since last post. Yikes. Looks like we might need some bullet lists. 


  • My baby sister got married. Some pictures are on the flickr. She honeymooned at Disney World and brought me some super awesome souvenirs. Thanks Amy!
  • My baby brother and my husband had Birthdays at The Ballpark. Pictures of this are also on the flickr. 
  • Knitting/Football Season started! We had a Second Sunday party with the voluntary family and it was fantastic (football cake pops were involved) but I don't have any pictures of that. Too busy stuffing my face. I mean, watching the football. 
  • I celebrated my sixth Texaversary at a demolition derby, y'all!! Inexplicably, I didn't put the pictures of that on the flickr. I'll get right on it. Promise. 
Just before this he was banging a lizard on the ground, prepping his lunch.
So cute!
  • I saw my first Roadrunner in the Howells' driveway. Of course I was too slow on the camera trigger so I got a picture of him after he swallowed the lizard. Still cool, though. 
  • Last Friday we played hooky from work for John's Birthday Weekend kickoff. He wanted to go to Schlitterbahn, but sadly it was already closed for the season so we went to the San Marcos river. While my SLH went solo tubin' I hung out with a cute little turtle. 
  • I went to see Colin and Carson at Bookpeople. They are so adorable. You were allowed to bring one piece of Decemberists stuff, so I took my King CD and of course promptly smeared the autograph. Typical. 
  • We finished watching (one-season-behind style) Breaking Bad. I understand if you don't have the Netflix anymore, but if you do, this show is now on instant watch. Watch it! It's the best show on tv. 
  • Speaking of the teevee, Knitting/Football season is also new tv time! Woo Hoo! Sadly my two fave shows are on Thursdays when I get home too late. Enter the hulu. I luv the hulu. Yes, I have the pay for it one, but it is so worth it to be able to watch my craptastic favorite show in my lounge pants on Friday mornings. And they also have Parks and Rec, which is really good, for real. Don't worry, I found a new bad show to watch when it is actually on the television: Revenge. Pure garbage. Love. 
  • If you know me you know of my mad passion for local radio personality Charlie Hodge. His show was recently cancelled and I cried myself to sleep until I found out about the new podcast. You can listen here, or download on the itunes if you're into that. 
The first finished thing of the new season
How I learned to love football
  • I took a bit of a break from knitting this summer, partially to crochet because I want to be the master of all yarn arts, and partially because it is hard to find the motivation to knit something when it is a thousand degrees outside. I know, it would seem like crochet is the same thing, but I think of knitting as a means to produce something to wear and crochet as a means to keep from going insane. I only crochet random squares. I finished a cowl which I may never wear, and I'm working on a football scarf which I can do without looking (in case there's an exciting football play or something). 
  • I bought some new yarn, even though I could probably knit for a few years on the stash I have. Does it make it better that I had to use up the other half of my GC from Weaving Works? 
Guess that brings us up to the present day. Yesterday I watched bad shows on the hulu, went to work for a bit, and went to Billy's to knit and watch football. Today, so far, I did this. All caught up. I'm off to get the demolition derby pics posted. Later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the colors of your cowl. It was fun seeing y'all last weekend:)