01 September 2011

In which Jennifer gets stupid excited about a book

Hey y'all. Yes, my thigh injury has healed up quite nicely, thanks. Nothin' a little A&D couldn't fix.
So I finally, finally finished this book.

I seem to have read it so well that the cover popped right off. Or maybe that was from taking it along on so many water-related activities. (Remember when I was on the boat? I had it with me way back then) Oh yeah, how was it? My dear friend Rachel aptly described it as "medieval soap opera". It wasn't bad, but it may not have been worth spending my entire summer reading it. I do enjoy how carrying around a big book makes me look smart though. I am proud of myself for actually finishing a book since that has been a wee bit of a challenge for me lately, and by lately I mean the past few years.
AND THEN (triumphant fanfare) I found out about this:

That's right! It's a book by Colin Meloy. Illustrated by his adorable wife Carson Ellis. I know. It is technically for children ("middle-grade fantasy") and I have always expressed disdain for adult women reading books for kids (sorry Adriane) but y'all. This is Colin Meloy. I hurried down to Book People on the day it came out (yesterday) and they hadn't even put them on the shelf yet. I took it off the cart. As a bonus, I got this super cool old school "badge maker" style button for my backpack. Sweet! I haven't been this giddy about a book since The Green Mile came out in little chapbooks. Remember that? It was awesome. I still have them. In other, equally if not more exciting news, The Cutest Band in The World (otherwise known as Downtube Shifter) spent this past weekend in the studio working on a record. Woo Hoo! They were sweet enough to let me hang around and take pictures of them, which are on the flickr.
I love them so much. If you have the means, I highly recommend checking them out.

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