26 August 2011

Walk till you run and don't look back

It was tax-free weekend here in rain-free TX last week so I followed the droves of Texans into Academy and got myself these here runnin' shoes. And of course by "runnin'" I mean jogging for a bit until I feel like I might die, then walking, then trying to jog a bit more. People who know me are all too familiar with my "smackdown" phases, but this one could potentially last more than the traditional two weeks. I luv these shoes. They're bouncy and obnoxious hot pink! I took them out on their first trip Tuesday and they performed like champs. I was feeling good despite my beer-laden lazy summer. It wasn't too hot since I managed to get out before the 7:30am outdoor activity curfew, a few people had their sprinklers going so I got some spritzes along the way, and I didn't feel any of my normal exercise rage thanks to my return to fall schedule and my beloved yoga. But then, (cue the ominous music) The Attack of the Thigh Chafe!!! Needless to say this threw me into a horrible negative body image vortex. Yes, yes, I know that even skinny people can chafe, and it is 500 degrees outside, and I was wearing cutoff sweatpants that bunched up (stupid! stupid!) but the fact remains: my big fat thighs were rubbing together so much that the skin rubbed off!!! Gross gross gross.
Normally this sort of vortex leads straight to Sonic for a sack of corndogs, but this time (again I credit the yoga) I walked gingerly with my legs slightly apart into Central Market for an $8 salad. Take that Universe!
So yesterday I ventured out again- this time with (looking embarrassed) diaper ointment on my affected leg, vaseline on the rest of the chafe risk area, and moisture wicking shorts. Success!! I was able to complete Week 1 (again) of the start running plan I got off the internets at the beginning of the last smackdown episode and I didn't feel like dying once.
WTF? Salad? Running? What is this, some kind of health blog now? What about teevee and food trailers?
Ok ok. Sorry. I have discovered a new-to-me tv show, meaning I think it has been off the air since 2007 or something, but it's British so I couldn't have watched it anyway. You remember my mad passion for brit-coms right? This one is fantastic, but in its usual giveth and taketh away fashion, the Netflix instant watch only has season one. (Shaking fist at Netflix, again) Or as they say, series one. Lame. I did however find a way to watch the other series in very poor video quality somewhere else on the webs. You can google it if you want since of course I don't remember what it's called.
We finally went to the third ESK trailer location last night. I had the eel buns. I just like how that sounds. They were yummy, but the Liberty location is definitely #1. SO GOOD. Go there if you can. Call me and I'll come down there and meet you.
In other entertainment news, I finally got around to watching Biutiful. It's even more depressing than it sounds and you have to read it, but I liked it. I guess reading one movie a day isn't enough because then Saturday night we got all brainiac and went to see some old French movies at the Paramount. Every now and again I can understand what they're saying without reading-thank you three years of French in high school!-but you know the idea: super pretty girls smoke a lot and talk about stuff. Men cheat on their wives. The most entertaining part of this double feature was that both movies ended with someone being shot. BANG BANG! FIN.

16 August 2011

Tasty and gentle food

Here in the ATX there are tons and tons (and tons) of food trailers. While I've only managed to eat at a tiny fraction of them, my favorite by far are the Japanese ones. The best are the two East Side King locations, one of which I tried for the first time only yesterday! A close runner-up is Love Balls. (You may remember an adorable picture of me stuffing my face with Love Balls on the flickr.) A prominent ingredient used at these trailers is Kewpie Mayo, perhaps my newest Favorite Thing!(Don't skip clicking on that link, it's great) I can't get enough of the Japanese and their love of cuteness and wacky food.
As long as we're on the subject of cuteness and food, I'll show you these guys:
They're forever rowing on the wall of Cooper's BBQ. We've been to Cooper's before, but not this location. A review? These 'coons were the best part. Yes, I guess we've been spoiled by super super amazing BBQ lately, but still. Skip it.
This past weekend we took a mini-vacation to Junction and it was just what we needed. Despite Texas' desert conditions as of late, we were able to tube at South Llano River State Park. It was very beautiful, but I don't have any photos because I was in a tube, y'all.
After a grueling day of floating down the river, we recharged with some classic Tex-Mex at La Familia . The food is pretty good and cheap but my favorite part is this:
The owner told us that people always want to buy this painting from her but she won't sell "her man." If you happen to be driving through Junction, TX, definitely give this place a visit.
On Sunday we went to the LBJ Ranch, a very very Texan thing that for some reason we haven't done before. If you know the Starks you know that we LOVE to do nerdy activities and the LBJ ranch delivered. I didn't take many pictures, mostly because they won't let you but also because I figured they would be easy to find on the internets. I was right, there's a cute slideshow on the website. I did take a few of the trees and sky, two of my favorite things about my Texas.

06 August 2011

Everything is bigger in Texas, except my brain

Can't believe I forgot to show you this guy:(SQUEAL) He's a tiny meerkat! If you know me at all, you know that he is perfect for me. I love him, but I haven't thought of a name for him yet. Ideas?
Speaking of cute, guess this wouldn't be modern day C&D without me blathering on about SLH. Go ahead and skip this part if you're sick of it. I don't blame you.
If you can hang, look at another cute little guy:
He's showing us the ridiculously delicious peach salsa he made. I know, northwesterners, "Peach salsa?!?" Yeah. It is sooooo good. Sweet and hot-just like my little husband.
Whoa. Ok. That was a bit much. Sorry. Let's look at the other thing I can't believe I didn't show y'all before. Maybe if I used my sitting-on-my-ass-wasting-time-on-the-computer time for blogging instead of reading OMG I wouldn't forget everything. Oh well. Check it out.
For my birthday my sister wife gave me the world's greatest invention: the towel with velcro, or as I like to call it, the towel dress. I told everyone (except blog readers that is) how fantastic it was so then my actual sister gave me another to use in case the first is in the wash. Here they are, hanging out on the bathroom door together. They are so beautiful.
In the interest of keeping my Summer of Not Giving a Shit pledge, I'll even give you a photo to laugh at. Keep in mind that everything must be bigger in Texas, so I have to comply by eating a ton of yummy food and drinking lots of beer or they'll deport me. And YES, the towel my sister gave me came with a headband. Mmmm hmmmm.
Everyone done laughing? Ok. You might notice through your tears that I'm at the pool. That's right, I swim now y'all. Like my feet not being able to touch the bottom swimming. Bizzaro world.