19 November 2010

Hello from Mrs. Stark

Ok, ok. There's mold growing on the poor forgotten wedding sausage in the back of the fridge, so I guess it's time to write a little note about the wedding. That's right y'all, I'm a married lady. Well, married at least. I even have a new social security card. It's legal and everything.
I have to say if you weren't there, you kind of missed the best wedding of all time. Sorry. Luckily there are a ton of pictures, which I have collected on the flickr, and put on the Walgreens photo site-in case you need a coffee mug of me with my visible bra faux pas! Yes, a typical girl might be horrified at the v.b. but then again a typical girl would have purchased a new bra to wear with her wedding dress. Oops.
Aside from that, everything was fantastic. Very (very) simple, small, and easy. I was reminded (again) that I have the most badass friends in the entire world. Without Adriane, Rachel, and my dear BFF (best friend Frances) we could never have pulled it off. And our families are the best. They were at the ready for anything we needed. Plus they are all happy about us getting married! Bonus!
The ceremony was perfect. (Oh yeah, I wrote it) The cake was delicious (Sit down. I baked it myself!!-Mom did the decorating) The weather cooperated, the band was great. It seems like everyone had fun. I think-to borrow a phrase from my new Stark family-we chalk it up as a win!
The honeymoon? Again-sorry to be gushing like a silly girl,but-perfect. It was all the things we love in one extravaganza week. Driving, hiking, going to nerdy historical sites, being at the coast, finding random crazy little bars in tiny towns, eating fancy food, festing, dancing...we even camped in our new tent. I know! I camped! I've never camped as an adult, unless you count sleeping in a van as camping. It was super fun and I got to sleep in my new orange hat.
The only downside to the honeymoon was that in all my excitement about "the thing" I did a very poor job of packing. No knitting. So sad. We were in the car for literally days. I could have made a whole new wardrobe. Speaking of wardrobe I also forgot to pack enough shirts, which is why in the pictures I'm mostly wearing a Hondo High School t-shirt I got at the HEB in Hondo. Go Owls!!
All right. Enough bragging about how awesome my wedding was. But it was. I am so lucky and thankful. Yikes! I still have to send out thank you cards.
So what else has been going on? Life continues pretty much as usual. We've done some more festing and hiking-I put even more pictures of trees on the flickr. It's funny, I used to make fun of my mom for taking pictures of trees and stuff, but now I think I'm even worse. I could wallpaper my whole apartment with pictures of trees. Trees might (almost) have eclipsed the cats in number of photos. Maybe.
On the knitting front, I went to two knerdy events this past week: a Ravelry event at The Knitting Nest, and Knit Night. Once again, I've made the internal declaration that I am going to knit stuff for people for Christmas, but we'll see. Perhaps I should start making this declaration in August. We have a drive to Denton coming up for Thanksgiving, hopefully I won't be too distracted to pack some knitting for that.
What's that noise? Oh, it's my stomach. Guess I should have breakfast since it's 11. It's freezing ("freezing" in Texan = 60 degrees) so I think I'll make some oatmeal.
Maybe Mrs. Stark will blog more often. You can only hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. S, I've been looking for this!:) We have a popup book of wedding pix. Let me know if you want one. "The Event" was perfect. Congratulations to you and your handsome groom:)