22 October 2009

The Sweet Perfume of Cold Hard Cash

Hey y'all this here's our winnings! Last night, in only our second appearance (technically our first full game since last week we showed up late) the newly named duplexicons! finished a respectable second in the geeks who drink pub quiz!! Yes, they beat us by 10 points, but they had twice as many people on their team. That means we are twice as smart!
In knitting news: since it's been 24 hours or so since I finished a hat, it's time to start a new one. Isn't it cool? And it has this super badass chart. Twice as smart indeed!

21 October 2009

Hats and Rabbits

Just this morning I was telling John about my love of email newsletters. Without newsletters, my inbox would be empty. One of my favorites is the Wikipedia daily article. This is today's article. It is marvelous, too marvelous for words. 
Lately I've been a knitting maniac. I'm knitting like I've never knitted before. I've even been posting things on Ravelry, but I'm positive none of y'all are registered users so you can't see it. (Lucky!) This episode of knitmania is a little different than some of my earlier attacks though, in that I'm finishing stuff that is actually wearable. Check it:
C&D Movie Minute: On Friday, we saw A Serious Man, the new Coen Bros. pic. It was fantastic!  Maybe this weekend I'll try to see the wild things movie. I mean, I have to. Screenplay co-written by Dave Eggers? Catherine Keener? James Gandolfini? I have no choice. 
Well, gotta go study for this week's pub quiz! Later!

15 October 2009

The Sweet Perfume of Bacon

Last night we went to the Geeks Who Drink pub quiz at Mr. Tramp's (my new fave non-Burnet Rd. spot). We won bacon soap!! Check us out on the internets. Y'all in the NW will remember my passion for bar trivia, but this was the first time I've gone in TX. I was a little rusty, but since I plan to go each and every week, I think I'll get back in the swing soon. 
In all the hustle and bustle of festing and bacon soap winning and stuff, I forgot to mention that October 10 marked the 4th anniversary of the adoption of sweet Lee Chat. Isn't he cute? He looks just the same, only a little bigger. We love you Lee Chat! 

11 October 2009

October and kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall but you go on and on

This photo illustrates a few key points: 
  • It's cold (60 degrees!) all of a sudden, so I can wear socks and non flip flop shoes
  • It's almost Halloween! 
  • I can zip up the green pants again (just barely)
At least I could zip up the green pants the other day. Today, not so much, because yesterday we went to two count 'em two fests! Accordion Fest  and (the first in a series of, I'm guessing) Oktoberfest.
Look what I wore! That's right, the owl sweater in actual use. (I told you it was cold) I even accidentally-really!-went for the dork double play of owl sweater AND owl bag. Mmmhmm. Of course the events were somewhat documented on the flickr. Hope y'all had a good weekend too.

09 October 2009

knitting, rain, soup, love, lee...

Hey look! I finished the back of this! It's actually a dark navy blue, but I guess with the flash you can see the fancy pants cables better. (Oohh! fancy cabled pants....wish I was five again...)
Nothing much happenin' here in the atx. God's been mighty generous with the free car washes lately, so much so that I've been feeling a bit northwesternly (read: depressed). Luckily I have happened upon the cutest boy on the face of the planet and last night he made me soup! He made me soup! Potato and BACON soup! (tears welling up) Then he tolerated my friend's birthday party where there was loud hip hop. (heart growing three sizes).
Yes, I let Lee drink the rest of the milk from my cereal, and yes I photograph him doing it. What's it to ya?

05 October 2009


Hi y'all. Happy Monday. Things have slowed a bit around here since last week's grand summer finale. It's raining and the temperature has dipped way down into the low 70's. 
Check out the cool chair I got from my sweet love. Time to start on a macrame curtain for that window. 

01 October 2009

commentary and dissent recommends

I'm always late to the cool tv shows party with the no cable thing, but in case you've never seen this show, cancel 
your plans and watch it right now. It's great. 
In other entertainment news, I've seen a few good movies
lately. The Stark bday weekend kickoff event was 
Anvil: The Story of Anvil. It was surprisingly touching, but 
still funny. My two other picks are kind of dull and moody, but I liked them. They're both Kelly Reichardt movies: Old Joy and Wendy and Lucy. 
Any of y'all seen a good flick you'd like to share?