01 February 2012

The Bitch is Back

Oh yeah, I have a blog. Seeing as how it's the first day of the month, seems like a good time to crank 'er up and see if she still runs. It's times like this we need a photo essay.
First of Rocktober with my ladies

Stark puts the "rock" in Rocktober

Oktoberfest at Anhalt Hall

Anniversary at the fair

HALLOWEEN as Lionel the Lion Faced Boy and The Bearded Lady
Wurstfest with the voluntary family

Carnival o' Pizza
(can you spot Adriane?)

Fried turkey, y'all

New packable jacket

Packable jacket, packed
Tiny Christmas tree

Decorations? Yes, that is my apartment

Crafty Christmas card clips

Baby Christmas cupcakes made with my new baby cupcake machine. Thanks, MIL! I mean, Mrs. Claus

Freezing on the ferry. Look, my adorable Mommy has her own packable jacket!
I'll take one second (which is one second more than it deserves) to mention that 2011 was a hell of a year. Illness and worry and sadness and anxiety and regret and tragedy and The Thing Which Shall Not Be Blogged About and all that, but also love and fun and happiness and sunshine and beer and delicious food and people who have your back. My sweet husband and I celebrated a very full first year of marriage at The State Fair of Texas (Full photo coverage on the flickr), we had a dee-licious Thanksgiving warm-up dinner with the voluntary fam (fried turkey!), then another yummy dinner on real Thanksgiving with The Starks, pleasantly low-key pre-Christmas in Denton, and a super fun Die Hard watching Christmas party at the Wilson's. We spent a jet-lagged New Year's Eve with our dear friend Adriane at one of our classic hangouts.  Everyone agreed that 2012 would be better. 
Well, 2012 has so far proved to be much of the same but in the spirit of my Don't Give A Shit Summer, I've decided to feel good anyway. I'm back to yoga and the infamous Smackdown walk/jog, I've read three books, and much to the delight of my friend the Ultra Runner , I got an iPhone y'all!
I took this picture on my new iPhone last Sunday during a much needed Stark Nature Nerd Out trip to the Pedernales River. At the park they have a fantastic bird blind which we got to see right at feeding time. Super super cool for a couple of bird nerds like us. But, while the iPhone takes lovely pictures of the river, you can't zoom in on little birds. I was so excited about my new phone that I forgot to bring the regular camera. Guess we'll just have to go again.
Oops, if I want this to actually post on the first of the month I'd better get on it. More later, maybe. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bless you my DIN. I'm so glad you're back.You are so talented writing wise and takeing pictures wise. Love U, MIN