07 June 2011

Poseidon look at me

That's right, I'm on a boat. And I'm putting a picture of myself in a bathing suit on the internets. What? I'm officially announcing that this is The Summer of Not Feeling Bad. (Hmm? It's not summer yet where you are? Well it was 103 here yesterday y'all. We're deep in it.) I am not tan or fit and I am afraid of water, but it is HOT and this is fun.(That's what I'm repeating to myself over and over in my head) This summer I am going to enjoy every anxiety-free moment I can. So far, I've done pretty well.
The boat adventure happened over Memorial Day weekend. We went camping at Bergheim (They have a super fancy website with sound!) and I discovered something shocking: I prefer more rustic camping. It was fun and all, but everyone was a bit close together for my liking. Who knew?
This past weekend, I broke the no-swimsuit rule again when we went to a really great swimming hole. No, I won't tell you where it is because we don't want it to get overrun. I also didn't pay attention when we were driving so I really can not tell you where it is.
The internets have been down for a few days here at the grove, but that's no excuse for not having posted since mid-May. Yes, I am quite lazy. I mean super busy Not Feeling Bad!!
I'll catch you up with a random bullet list:
  • We went to an Express game and got a free upgrade to seats in the fancy pants part. Then the baseball announcer said our names in his silly announcer voice and they showed us on the screen! (Also of note only to E. Stine and T. Stark: we got to see Josh Hamilton and Nelson Cruz!)
  • I went to the Renegade Craft Fair and I got the coolest thing ever. Ask me when you see me and I'll show it to you.
  • I got a new record!! Love!!!
  • We ate the BEST BARBEQUE on earth.
I'm sure I've forgotten something important, but this blog thing is so time consuming and I've got a swim date with Adaline. Hope all's well with all y'all :)

1 comment:

Emily "Powerhouse" Howell said...

Love it! This ain't Seaworld, it's as real as it gets! Indeed! I'm loving your bravery, or, what the Hell, attitude!