30 January 2011

It's the hap happiest season of all!

That's right. Girl Scout Cookie time, y'all! If you know me you know that I LOVE (love, love) GSC's. It's the most wonderful time of the year.
At the suggestion of my dear teenager, we bought a new flavor- the lemonades (far left). As the teenagers would have said a few years ago: OMG. These are spectacular. Hurry to just outside the door of your favorite grocery/drug store and pick some up right now. (Remember to bring a lot of cash, the Girls don't let these go for nothin')
Look how cute! It looks like a lemon, and tastes like a very chemically enhanced lemon. Yummy. Thanks for the tip, teenager!
Well y'all, once again it's been a long long time since I mustered the energy to mosey on over to C&D Ranch so there's a lot to catch everyone up on. Don't worry, I'll only remember 10-15% of what has happened in the past month or so, no danger of this being too long a post.
The best news for many of us these days has been the birth of a new band, Down Tube Shifter, featuring my sweet little husband, Richie Howell, Kevin Kelnar (of BDS and wedding accordion fame) and Hugh Bradley. They've played a few shows already and of course they rule!! I put some pics of them on the flickr-as well as some of NYE-and (gasp!) have been put in charge of their Facebook page. I know. Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place.
Speaking of imperfect, the knitting I've been trying to do lately is going very poorly so I put it away for a bit and knitted these socks to reignite my feelings of being a badass knitter.
Someone favorited them on Ravelry, which I know to y'all sounds like a bunch of gobbledygook but it made me very pleased. They are, I must say, quite awesome.
For the first time ever, I am very close to having seen all of the best picture Oscar nominees. For reasons I don't fully understand this makes me happy. The downside is in order to accomplish this task, I will have to see Toy Story 3. People tell me it's good, but I don't know if I can commit.
I would love to have an Oscar party, the kind where people throw in some money and the one who picks the most winners gets the money. BUT- the Oscars are happening the last week of February and we have to move (yuck) into a slightly larger crappy apartment. Have I already lived at the Grove for a whole year? Unbelievable. Seems like just yesterday I was telling y'all about the move. Time flies when you're Texan. Speaking of being Texan, I did something this month that further seals the deal: went to the shooting range!!!! I know, many of you are in the NW and are upset by the mention of guns, but I have to tell you that it was super super fun. Yes, the Seattleite in me was a little alarmed by how we could just roll up in the Sentra, walk in, check a box that said "NO" we had not committed any felonies or anything, put on the goggles and ear things and blast away! God Bless Texas.
I bought the new Decemberists record and it is great. And,-watch out y'all!- there's a new Bright Eyes record coming out in February. I might buy two records in two months, a personal best.
February is just around the corner and that means plenty of excitement is in store. The second month of the year kicks off with the celebration of the Hanukkah-esque miracle that is the second anniversary of the period between the Super Bowl party encounter and the future Starks' first date. (Feb. 1-15) Have you noticed my penchant for making up imaginary holidays? They are so much better than real ones. This year's events include the Howell's Super Bowl party of course and Rachel's "Bloody Valentine" costume party (celebrating "love and all of its entanglements") The Starks have a kick ass dress up idea that is both highly disturbing and hilarious. More details to come. Hopefully we will not repeat the sad photo-less Hall and Oates Halloween mistake. If you will be at this party take a picture of us please!!!
Ok y'all that's all I can do. This blogging thing is hard and I need a snack. Hope everyone's well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the costumes:)