22 April 2010

A post about nothing (but knitting and cats)

So I've got my traditional Thursday headache (from uh, thinking too hard at trivia last night) and the sky looks white and northwesterny so I think today is as good a day as any to stay indoors and do some actual knitting. It's shameful how little knitting I do and how much time I waste on this computation machine reading about knitting and looking at things other people knitted. But, as long as you're here in the interwebs, check out my fave imaginary friend, Crazy Aunt Purl. She keeps her yarn in the jumbo Hefty slider bags just like I do! She likes to take pictures of her cats!
Speaking (always) of cats, see how the ball of yarn is no longer attached to the project? Another cat must have done it because clearly my two are peacefully asleep.

In other news of the mundane, I bought another non-rocking record. That makes TWO new records in 2010 so far. Any of y'all have any ideas about what record number three should be?

20 April 2010

Hello again from my balcony

This time I'm sitting in my plain old plastic fake Adirondack chair because my Texass chair went on a crazy adventure with Adriane and I've been too lazy to unfold it. If I look up, I see this:If I look down, I see this:
Guess everything is just fine here at the Grove. Sorry I've been slow to the post, but it's been a "busy" week (or two). Weekend before last, we took a trip to Denton to visit the Starks and as usual it was lovely. We got up early on Sunday to witness (on TV) an important moment in Texas history: the implosion of Texas Stadium. You can watch many many videos of it here. Unfortunately, I didn't take ANY pictures even though the camera was in my purse the whole time. Fortunately, my #1 blog reader was there so she saw everything. For the rest of you, I can show you the things I got on our lady shopping trip.
I like this necklace because it looks like fish eggs.
This bracelet will look great with this sweater, provided it ever becomes a sweater. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll find plenty of chances to wear it in the meantime. We also got our traditional pedis-this time I picked red glitter. (Trust me, it's glittery, you just don't want to get close enough to these feet to see) Toes look weird. Or maybe just mine with the freakishly long 2nd toe.

This past weekend the Howell adults went on vacation, so I got to spend LOTS of extra time with the Howell kids. Thanks once again to my sweet JS, it wasn't so bad. We took them on the fancy new commuter train. It wasn't the worst time ever, but I don't think the intended demographic for this activity is the not quite two year old. It's ok, it wasted-I mean productively used-a couple hours, so overall a plus. We also took them to a Round Rock Express game and powered through an HOUR AND A HALF rain delay. If you don't spend much time with little kids you might say "what's the big deal?", but if you do, you might say "y'all are super badasses!" And you, second person, would be right.
In entertainment news, we just finished season 2 of Breaking Bad. This is a fantastic show but I have to say that towards the end it really pushed the limits of plausibility. I guess for all y'all normal people with basic cable this is no news at all. In other a year behind viewing news, I've started whatever season of Mad Men is on dvd now, and this morning I saw that Christina Hendricks is the most attractive woman in America. I very much agree.
And now for the most exciting news of all here at C &D! We have a new follower! Our very own Jack Daniel Stanley, the finest filmmaker we know. Welcome, follower #2! Yippee!!

06 April 2010

April come she will

Hi y'all. I know everyone's anxious to see what new knitting project I've started even though I have a million unfinished things hanging around. Here it is: It may one day become this, but the yarn is very very small. See?
Hope everyone had a nice Easter. We had a very scaled down version of our Easter party, this year hosted by the Howells. You can see the pictures here.