16 May 2011

Polka, Nature, Wings.

After a brief hiatus, Superfuntime Weekends have returned. Friday night we had a low key Burnet Road Crawl to celebrate one of Adriane's co-worker's last day, John's last day of student teaching, and the general settling down of our life. Saturday we went down to the greenbelt, and low and behold because of that one day of rain, there was a little water. I took a silly number of tree/water/sunset pictures, and if you have spare time you can see them here. On Sunday, we went to Maifest at Anhalt Hall. If you still have more time, photos are here. You may remember that we went to Cajun Fest at Anhalt two years ago (yikes!) but we haven't been since. Superfuntime indeed. Polka.
Here's a little low-quality video of The Grand March.
Hope y'all had a Superfuntime Weekend too!

12 May 2011

The rain rain rain came down down down...

Woo hoo! It's raining, and here that's news. Aw, Texas, I love you!

11 May 2011

He knew I was coming so he baked a cake!

This past weekend, I had a lovely solo visit with The Starks. Here's my sweet father-in-law showing off his baking chops (and stylish hat!):
Needless to say, recent events have made me re-examine my feelings about what it is to be a mother. Luckily I was able to spend Mother's Day weekend with my mom, daughter and mother-in-law. Of course it was my intention to write a little blog-blurb about all the mothers I know and how great they are and stuff, but as you can tell I missed yet another boat. Hey moms! You're great!
Poor blog, it must have been lonely.
Let's see...what's been happening? It's springtime. Springtime here in the ATX is stupid pretty.

I'm still crochetin' like a maniac. I made yarn shoes. Yes, they're really slippers but Ace called them yarn shoes and I like that better. We went to the coast with the Howells. It was deemed "mope free weekend" and it was just what we needed. I didn't take many pics but here's a good representative of the trip-cooking with fahre y'all!

Downtube Shifter played a wedding (I mean, Emily's birthday party!) All covers of soft rock favorites of the '70's and 80's. Just kidding, it was a regular DTS show. You can watch a video of them from SXSW here. The sound is a little off kilter, but that's all the more reason you should come out and see them for real!
Love the decorations. This wedding made ours look fancy, but it was fun.
In addition to the crochet, I'm continuing with other out-of-character behaviors. I'm going to yoga at least twice a week. I LOVE yoga. Who knew? I've been running (well, walk/running, but still). Along the way I sometimes see one of these guys:
A Yellow-Crowned Night Heron. Cool! See, I'm still me. Birdwatching is a very in-character behavior. Another in-character behavior, this:

Yesterday was Lee Chat's 6th birthday. I made him some tuna treats with sprinkles. He and Hubert enjoyed them quite a bit.
Uh-oh, Lee took his eyes off the prize for a second...And boom, Hube's taken over his treat. Don't worry, Lee got more and he has a much smaller appetite than his brother anyway.
I'm sure I'm forgetting things, as usual. Think think think. We went to another Express game, I went to a super fun wine tasting with my ladies (I bought the WA wine, a rose with the tagline "you can drink rose and still be a badass"), Adriane and I tried to go to The Amazon Olympics, but it was shut down by the police. It pains me to even think about it.
I saw the best documentary. It's called Marwencol and it's on the NF instant. Watch it. Now. You're already on the computer.