18 March 2011

The 18th already?

Hi y'all. Seems I've let a couple of weeks go by again. Sorry. Life has been a little hectic lately but today I'm just chillin' on the deck with some lavender spearmint iced tea,some crochet, (I'm still making a halfhearted attempt to be a Master Yarncrafter and learn not to hate crochet- I picked up a new book with my HCW gift certificate -thanks, MIL!-and so far I've made 1.5 of the 250 motifs in it.)
and my best furry friend, LeeChat. We cobbled together some leftover wedding giftcards and bought one of these newfangled Flip cameras. I can't say I'm overjoyed with the product. The battery pack has been a bit wonky and because it's so small it's easy to accidently hit buttons you don't want to, but it's fun to have. So far the only DTS video I've taken is very dark (in a bar and all) but Saturday the boys have an outdoor daylight show so maybe I can get something good. For now you can enjoy my latest film which I've titled "Lee Yawns, Then Grooms"

While the Funometer on my weekends has been registering at a much lower level in recent weeks, we've still done some cool stuff. Weekend before last we went fishing-well, John fished and I sat on the bank and took pictures, started square one of the crochet, and tried to identify the birds. I'm not posting pictures of this since I printed some up and will attempt to mail them to some of y'all. This weekend we went to HONK!TX which was super fun. I put some pics on the flickr but am too lazy right now to do the whole caption thing. Maybe later. We found a new food trailer on the eastside called Love Balls!! It was great. Wacky Japanese food. (involving octopus!) As a grand finale, we stumbled upon a crawfish boil ("bol") y'all! Or what I like to call "eating bugs". Who'd a thunk I would ever do these things? Blame it on Texas. I mean, Thank Texas!!!

02 March 2011

Happy Texas Independence Day Y'all!

Click on the title of this post to learn about "the grievances patiently borne" by the people of Texas. Raise your Lone Star bottles! Texas Forever!

P.S. Today is also: Jon Bon Jovi's birthday, The Howell's Anniversary, and Dr. Seuss' birthday. Busy day.