06 December 2010

Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker!

What did you do last night? We did the Best. Thing. Ever. We went to a screening of Die Hard at the Alamo Ritz. They gave us cap guns to shoot at the screen, and they blew shit up right in the theater. Little scraps of paper even fell from the ceiling at appropriate times. If you're in Texas, you should go on the 14th, and if you're not-get to Texas!! Now!!Here's my gun. (Oh look, I put up the Christmas tree):
While I was watching, I thought this would be a great Halloween costume for me next year:
Or, could be an outfit to wear to Stark Party. Kidding! Kidding! I should watch myself during the annulment window.
You might think that Mr. Cumberdale would be the one to mess with the Christmas tree, but Lee Chat is the worst. He's always got his nose stuck in it.
Aw, but he's so cute, he can get away with anything.
Gotta go, I have to iron my husband's shirt for his interview tomorrow. What did I just type?!? I don't even know myself anymore.